DRIP is Closing Their International Drive Location — DRIP

All remaining shows are SOLD OUT.  Please join our email list to be informed of new shows and DRIP experiences! >

DRIP is Closing Their International Drive Location

After 5 successful years in current location, DRIP looks to the future.

Orlando, Fl - Performance art company, DRIP, will be closing it's International Drive (I-Drive), Orlando location at the end of January, 2018.  After 5 successful years of bringing innovative, edgy dance shows and art events to the I-Drive area, DRIP will be closing the location to focus on new projects.

DRIP's remaining I-Drive shows will be performed every Friday and Saturday evening in January with it's final show on Saturday, January 27, 2018.

“Closing this location is bittersweet but exciting for our team.  We put a huge amount of passion into everything created in that space and have amazing memories from the team interacting with the guests. We had terrific experiences over the last 5 years and are eager to re-focus and inject our creativity into the next project."  explains DRIP founder and creative director Jessica Mariko. "We appreciate our fans and are looking forwards to playing with them again soon."

Since DRIP opened their International Drive location, they have produced over 700 shows, artistic events, concerts, festivals, fashion shows, private parties and corporate events. Experiences in the DRIP venue have included a super-hero show during the Megacon Convention, The Blind Date experience for couples during Valentine's Day, the Underground Vampire Bar experience in October, Gay Days events, Local Art Night, BASE Body Painting Art Events, and many more. DRIP has also been commissioned to develop creative experiences for companies such as Timex, Siemens, L'Oreal, Wrestlemania, and Kawasaki.

This is a great time to come out to DRIP if you've always wanted to go or if you are a repeat guest who wants to come one last time. Discounted tickets will be available in January for the remaining shows. Guests can get $25 general admission tickets (regularly $44) with promo code: FINALSPLASH on www.ILoveDRIP.com

Your last chance to see DRIP on I-Drive is on January 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 (All Ages), 20, 26, and 27, 2018. DRIP shows are usually restricted to 18+ but they will open the Friday, January 19 show up to all ages as long as people under 18 are accompanied by a guardian.  The All Ages show will remain edgy and will be the same show experience as the others. Each show is limited to a little over 100 people and it is recommended for guests to dress to get colorful. Shorts and flip flops are perfect. For tickets and to join DRIP's email list to stay in the loop of future projects, visit DRIP’s website at  www.ILoveDRIP.com.

DRIP is currently located at 8747 International Dr. Ste. 102, Orlando, Fl 32819 on the backside of the building with Senor Frogs and Denny’s.

